As often as possible we like to share great ideas for places around the country (or the world!) where you and your family can get out, have a bit of a run about, and enjoy the fine British weather, AKA, run the small people into the ground so they sleep that little bit better at night…
One of our favourites in the York area is Moorlands Woods, nestled between Shipton by Beninbrough and Wiggington on the north side of town.
Blink and you might miss it, but once you park up in the lay-by and wander into this wooded playground you won’t regret it.
There’s no gimmicks, no swings or slides, and not a coffee shop in sight, but there is plenty of mud, trees, plants, ponds, sticks and a handy circular trail to keep you from getting too far from home. Throw in a big old tree house built around a tree trunk, Major Oak style, and the youngsters could be playing hide and seek for hours.